Terms and Conditions


Terms and Conditions

We are glad to see you, and we also thank our visitors for using blogssea.com.

We are promised to provide a paramount and exceptionally interactive experience to our users. So, before using our website, we request all the visitors to read the terms and conditions of our website. This is a promise between you and blogssea.com. By using blogssea.com, we accept that you agree with our terms and conditions of using blogssea.com.

Here is a quick review of our terms and conditions that will protect our, as well as your rights. We have the power of varying or modifying the usage terms anytime and that too without any prior notice.

Who is eligible to use blogssea.com?

Anyone of 15 years or above is eligible to use our website. But along with attaining the minimum age to use our service, you are also required to agree with our website’s terms and conditions.

We keep children’s privacy. So, you must know blogssea.com is not designed to invite anyone under 15. We will not acquire any particulars from the individuals we think is under 15.  

Account Creation

Users need to provide accurate information while creating an account at blogssea.com. Moreover, you are accountable for the safety of your account password.

Registration at blogssea.com is only for single-user and not multiple. Your registration at blogssea.com needs to be in your real name. Any supposed, untrue, or under some other individual’s identity will not be accepted. Your provided email address needs to be valid and accurate. We will be using the provided address to send emails for some future conversations.

You are solely answerable for anything done on the particulars given under your registration.

Blogssea.com is not liable for any loss if you share your password or give authority of your account to any unauthorized person.

But if you observe any suspicious activity on your account, you can inform us. We will take appropriate measures to save user’s account privacy.

Account Termination

You can stop using blogssea.com services anytime by following the proper procedure of account termination. In the same way, blogssea.com can deny access to its services, if you fail to obey any rules and regulations of the website usage.

User Rights

After creating your account on blogssea.com, you can effortlessly access all the website features. But remember, while creating your account, you agreed to use our website only for personal information. All the information on blogssea.com is copyrighted. It is not for any marketable or illegitimate purposes.

You should not write any threatening or misleading, comments or photos on our website. Blogssea.com is not legally responsible for any such activities. Only the concerned user will be blameable for any threats associated with their posted content.

You agree to upload or post any media – audio, video, photos were taken by you. Any content uploaded by the users should not disrupt any person or website privacy or patent rights.

Though we take the right measures to keep blogssea.com free from any bugs, we do not promise the same. Users are free to post their comments on our website, but we do not filter the content posted by our users. So you should also agree not to post any objectionable content. One should not post anything that is designed to disturb the website’s functionality.

Moreover, blogssea.com should not be blamed for any comments posted by the users and the same does not represent our views. These comments are only the user’s opinions.  

Third-party Links

Blogssea.com may contain third party links that deliver more useful information. But blogssea.com is not responsible for any information of other website services or content. It is solely your responsibility if you are accessing any information on that website or participating in any promotional event there.

If you access any third-party site from the hyperlinks, only you will be responsible if any charges incurred to you. By no means is blogssea.com liable for any third-party charges. 

Moreover, these hyperlinks can be changed anytime if we find more useful information on any other website.

Blogssea.com can approve link requests, but only after proper evaluation. All the hyperlinks are only acknowledged if these meet the blogssea.com purpose. We will reject the requests if we find:

  • The link request is in blogssea.com bad records list.
  • Objective announcement associated to any of our service, product, or business.
  • Blogssea.com look false or unfavourable on the linking site.
  • It breaches the copyright, patent, or trademark rights.
  • It is not in context with the blogssea.com.
  • The linked website has some connection with any of the socially debatable, harsh, or illegal subject.
  • The content or the products on the website does not suit our readers in any means.
  • It encourages any sexual or adult entertainment.

Removal of Links

Blogssea.com holds the right to request its users for the removal of any links on our website. When you gain access to surf blogssea.com website you agree to all our terms. So upon requested users should approve to immediately remove the requested links.

Moreover, if you come across any offensive link on blogssea.com, you can inform us anytime. We will surely consider your request and remove the link after examining it properly.

We always welcome our user’s views and requests, to improve our services for them.


Articles, graphics, and images on blogssea.com are only for informational purposes. Though we share information only about the best and top-rated products, we do not recommend any product. So users are solely responsible for any risk, etc. Any content on blogssea.com should not be think as a replacement for any diagnosis, treatment, or medical consultation.

Though we try to update the information, we are not obliged to update the content regularly.

Health advice

We recommend you seek medical advice and do an allergy test before using any product mentioned in blogs. In case of any medical help, call your doctor immediately.

You approve to use blogssea.com or any information or products cited in it at your own risk. We try to provide the updated information that is to the best of our knowledge. But we do not guarantee any accuracy about the information or content on our website.


You agree blogssea.com, all its employees, directors, and licensors are harmless. They are not legally responsible for any claims, and settlements. Moreover, they are not accountable for any legal or accounting fees for

  • any violation of terms of use
  • your access to blogssea.com services
  • any gap in copyright laws or privacy rights
  • any damage of third-party rights

Site Maintenance

At regular intervals, the website may go under maintenance. During such periods users registered with us may be constrained access to some sections of our website. This may be due to:

  • emergency site maintenance
  • fixing any missing links, other defects, or errors on blogssea.com
  • website update