Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

We value our users, so our privacy policy is to keep them notified of how we use their information online.

We update our privacy policy at regular intervals. Also, we update our terms and conditions without any prior notice. So we request you to keep checking our terms and conditions from time to time. Our privacy policy also explains how we collect and secure the information provided by you.

For any security breach, you contact us at ***( [email protected] / [email protected] ) ***

What information does collect from its users?

When you use our website, you may require to fill in your email id, name, and some other details that will help us to provide you with better services. All this information is required for better communication in the future.

How is your personal information used? uses your given details while you register, or place an order. We may also use the given details if you:

  • Sign up for the newsletter
  • Unlock certain website features
  • Wish to get notified about the products as per your interests
  • Like to receive emails for your placed orders or registered services


For the best experience, we use cookies. While accessing our website you approve its usage. Cookies are used to collect details of visitors like their preferences or pages they visited.

It can also collect your device’s IP address, operating system, location information, and mobile carrier. All this data gathered by the use of cookies benefits in customizing the content for providing a better user experience. Our advertising or affiliate partners can also use cookies.

Third-party revelation does not disclose any of your information to any third party without intimating you. We may provide your non-personal recognizable information for marketing or advertising purposes. Moreover, we can also share your details with our hosting partners or those who are assisting us in our website operations. But they must agree to keep your details confidential.

However, if you are visiting any website via hyperlinks, we do not hold any responsibility for your provided information there. Third-party links have their own privacy policies. But to provide the best services, we always welcome any feedback regarding the third-party links. 

Children’s Privacy

When kids access the internet, their privacy is the top concern. We advise their parents or guardians to keep a close eye on their online activities. do not encourage kids below 15 years to use our website. If you find any child below the eligible age, providing any personal information, you can contact us. will do its best to remove any information provided by them.