Folisin - Hair Loss

Folisin Review 2023: Arguably the Finest Hair Growth Formula for Men!

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Folisin – There are only a few things in life more annoying than watching your hair fall. First, you wake up in the morning, and there it is – a pillow full of hair strands. Then, you brush your hair with fingers, and again – a handful of hair strands. Eventually, hair loss becomes a part of your life, like any other health issue! 

Plenty of factors results in hair fall, including chronic stress, hormonal imbalance, nutritional deficiencies, and more. However, you can always control hair fall by some level, if not completely, using food supplements.

Do you worry that the day with no hair on your head will come soon enough? Well, you don’t need to till you have an all-natural & scientifically proven hair fall preventing dietary supplement like Folisin! The article covers a detailed overview of all the benefits of the food supplement and makes it incredibly effective for hair loss.

How does Folisin work for hair growth?

Before we understand what makes Folisin a reliable natural supplement to prevent hair loss, we must understand what makes hair fall. There’s never a single reason leading to the sight of your floor full of hair stands in your home. Often it originates internally, including the deficiency of essential nutrients in your body, hormonal imbalance, poor diet, or some disease. External factors, including a change in climate and pollution, also contribute to the situation.  

A hair goes through three life cycles – anagen (formation of new hair cells), telogen (resting state), and catagen (hair shedding) phase. It’s normal to lose over 100 hair strands a day if your hair is in the catagen phase. However, if the phase continues for several months, it might relate to some unique health issue.

Now, this is where Folisin works amazingly at preventing hair loss. Let us have a glance at the advantages of using this dietary supplement.

  • Reinforce Natural Hair Growth

Due to excessive hair fall in men over time, hair follicles lose their natural ability to regrow hair. Folisin helps significantly in stimulating the dormant hair follicles. In addition, the rich ingredients of the dietary supplement also boost the formation of new hairs. 

  • Keep the Intensity of Hair Fall to Minimal

What makes Folisin an effective solution for hair growth is its ability to increase the duration of the anagen & telogen phase! It’s vital ingredients also help in diminishing the catagen phase. As the catagen phase reduces in duration, it is replaced by the formation of new hair cells.

  • Regulates Normal Hair Pigmentation

Hair pigmentation gives color and texture to your hair. The factor responsible for increased hair fall in men may also contribute to abnormal hair pigmentation. One of the reasons why Folisin for men on hair loss is a viable option is it provides quality hair extracts. Not only does it condition your hair stems, but it also makes your hair shiny and strong.

  • Maintain the Testosterone Levels 

Hormones play a crucial role in the intensity of hair loss in men. If you take the example of testosterone, it contains a hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which is commonly found in skin and hair. The hormone is responsible for shrinking the hair follicles and shortening the cycle. As seen in many cases, the production of DHT is more in people suffering from chronic stress, anxiety, sleeplessness, or depression. Folisin helps to reduce the production of DHT in the hair follicles. 

What makes Folisin the best hair growth supplement?

If you’re one of the casualties of the hair fall problem, think of all the fake claims and scams you may have come across. You might have fallen for some of them out of desperation. And what was your reaction in the end? You felt cheated, didn’t you? As hair loss prevention medications often have some side effects, there’s only one option left to go for – a hair transplant! However, the process is complex and requires you to have deep pockets. In addition, it doesn’t necessarily offer you a natural looking hairline. 

How about a natural dietary supplement like Folisin does the same job as hair fall prevention? But, how do you know it is not a scam like others claiming to be viable solutions? Here are some of the high-quality ingredients of the food supplement and how it prevents hair loss. 

  • Organic Pea Sprouts Extract

Pea sprouts house an abundance of essential nutrients and antioxidants that works best to repair hair from the roots. It modulates the pH value of the scalp and promotes hair growth. As some studies suggest, it also helps in shortening the telogen phase of the hair growth process. Moreover, it strengthens the stem cells of the hair follicles.  

  • Saw Palmetto

As mentioned earlier, DHT is a prime reason resulting in hair loss in men. Saw Palmetto berries extract helps to block the DHT boosting enzyme called 5-alpha-reductase. The enzyme converts testosterone into DHT that results in hair fall.

  • Phosphatidic Acid

Phosphatidic acid or phospholipids plays a vital role in the cellular regeneration of dormant hair follicles. It contains growth hormone properties that show positive results on hair epithelial cells. Moreover, it works best in inducing the anagen phase of the hair cycle.

  • Black Pepper Extract

If outer factor-like dandruff is responsible for your hair, black pepper extracts are what you need! It’s rich in Vitamin C, folic acid, and other nutrients that help to clean the scalp. Mix it with virgin coconut oil and massage thoroughly on your scalp. 

  • Tocopherol Blend

Often the oxidative stress from the free radicals can result in the breakdown of hair follicles. Tocopherol or Vitamin E is rich in antioxidants that help to reduce the number of free radicals on your scalp.  

  • Pumpkin Seed Extract

Similar to the properties of Saw Palmetto, pumpkin seed extract helps remarkably in blocking DHT. In addition, it’s rich in magnesium, zinc, and fatty acids that work as a natural hair growth promoter.

  • Cayenne Pepper Fruit Extract

There’s a reason why Cayenne Pepper has been used for thousands of years for healthy hair growth. It helps to improve blood circulation at the root of the follicles and nourishes the scalp.  

  • Biotin 

Biotin or Vitamin B7 regulates growth-promoting protein in the hair follicles called keratin. However, it doesn’t last long in the body. So while you get most of the biotin from the food you eat, you can also consume it via a food supplement. 

  • Selenium

Selenium is another key ingredient against hair loss resulting from dandruff. And not just dandruff, it’s also essential for the production of thyroid hormones. In return, these hormones help to promote hair growth.

Final Thoughts

If you’re going through hair loss and wish to look younger for many years to come, you must acknowledge the problem. Hair transplants aren’t cheap, and hair gain medications often have side effects. Thus, it makes more sense to include a food supplement in your diet that prevents hair fall and promotes regrowth. Folisin is made up of a unique combination of plant extracts, minerals, and various natural compounds that helps maintain healthy and strong hair.

A well-balanced, healthy diet, sufficient sleep, and physical activities are essential as any hair-growth promoting food supplement.

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