Facebook Policy

We respect your privacy, so we think it’s our responsibility to let our users know what data we collect via blogssea Facebook page. We follow all the requirements of Facebook and do not sell any of your information. But we would also like to mention here that we can share your data if we get merged or acquired.

The moment you register with us you allow us to copy the information provided by you.

We collect information like:

  • Email address
  • Name
  • Gender
  • City
  • Birthday
  • IP address
  • Browser
  • Profile picture
  • Network
  • Pages you are interested in
  • Contact information
  • Check-ins

However, you are totally authorized to handpick what data you would like to get shared.

If you permit us, we can also collect information like:

  • Your friend’s list
  • Pages you are interested in
  • Your network
  • Your profile details
  • Posts or pictures that you like or comment on
  • Check-ins
  • Your calendar events or status updates

All this data is just to know your interests and keep you updated regarding your interested products. We may also use these details to develop the products that our users are looking for. We may also communicate with you about the new features that we include on our website or update you regarding the price comparisons of your interesting stuff.

To whom we share your details?

We can share your details with our partners for promotional purposes. But we assure you that we will only share your personal information if they promise us to keep it confidential.

But we will share the details if you allow us and Facebook permits us to do so.

We can also disclose your details for any legal purposes. This is done if we feel it is necessary to comply with the law or to protect our or any third-party rights.

You have full rights to your data. At any time you can request us to get your data deleted or stop us from collecting your details. We will do it at the earliest and can even provide you with the access to delete, edit, or review your details.